Session 4 - Immediately Afterwards

The farmhouse turned out to be the nest of an owlbear, in a highly protective mood despite having recently eaten one of the poor graverobbers. Defeating it proved why - a freshly hatched owlbear cub was in the nest, which seemed to imprint onto Vodja, who decided to name it Archie. A tattoo on the uneaten arm reminded Vodja of some of Smenk's enforcers who liked to hang out down at the Feral Dog.

Before following up, the party decided to stop in on a Wizard friend of Mesmer's in town named Allustan, only to bump into a squirrelly little mage who gave off sinister vibes. Allustan blew them off, but not without expressing some interest.

Kullen and his thugs at the Feral Dog proved somewhat indifferent to the party's success against the owlbear, but confessed to the grave-robbery at the behest of their boss's friend, the necromancer Filge, who had taken up recent residence at the old Observatory north of town. A successful conquest of the observatory yielded the rest of the Land family bones, a small sinister worm in a vial, and this note.
