Session 18 - Escape from the Temple


Having successfully defeated the last overlord of the Temple of the Dead Three, the party set themselves to the task of returning to the surface. They elected to take a long rest to replenish spells, but were interrupted by strange tremors and the sound of distant screams. Finally feeling fortified, they left the Faceless One's chambers and headed south, but not before deciding to check out a few unexplored chambers along the way.

One of them, a huge cavern, contained a fiendish looking wizened monkey trapped within a magic circle of protection. Suspicious, they questioned it a little and it introduced itself as Torgrodd the Wise, summoned to reveal secrets of divine animation. It bantered a bit back and forth, until the previously seen Crawling Claw snuck in to disrupt the protective magic, upon which Torgrodd reverted to a more demonic form and attacked. It managed to fell Mesmer but was ultimately brought low by attacks, including a rare thornwhipping from a non-beastformed Amanon.

Amanon was eager to release the dire warboars the Baneites had kept, and Animal Friendshipped them into obeisance as they finally made their way out the main doors of the temple, only to find the Well of Passing overflowing with a Necrotic Ooze that was trying to manifest itself into Godform. It attempted to consume Dravej completely but the party managed to keep him from being engulfed, and Deacon Fry managed to disintregate large chunks of it with radiant spells. Coated in ichor after it explodes, the party finally returns to the surface after five long hard days underground.
