
Showing posts from September, 2020

Session 21 - Among the Monks

  The party reaches Boareskyr Bridge and the cluster of cliff buildings the monks live in around it. They see the Godsdeath spring bubbling up from the waters below and meet Satchel , an attractive tiefling monk standing vigil. She notes that it has been 130 years since Cyric slew Bhaal at this spot, and that the monks have been here far longer than that. She welcomes the companions and offers them food and lodging if they wish it. The party decides to make use of the hot spring baths here and meet a few more of the monks. They find them quirky, boastful and diverse in origin. Dravej is gently ribbed a little for leaving the enclave, and some strong mushroom brew is shared, hitting Amanon particularly hard. Finally it is time for shared dinner, though Wanda is tired and chooses to retire early. At the Hall of Sustenance they meet the last of Dravej's trainers, a half-orc hunter and chef who prepares a tasty dinner of salad and boar. Mesmer, ever eager to acquire knowledge, attempts

Session 20 - Journey to Boareskyr

After several weeks of recovery in their observatory at Diamond Lake, the party packs and prepares for their journey north through the hills to the Trade Way, about a week's travel. The journey is straightforward, and the companions reminisce and get to know each other a little better as they camp in the wilderness. Mesmer gains some insight into the nature of the Librum Mortis, apparently known in some circles as the Necrotome of Trask, and finds that an old antagonist has passed. Halfway through the journey, they encounter a troupe of ogres carrying a captured gnome whom they decide to rescue. The ogres are dispatched without too much trouble, but the prisoner, Hisni Ertix Yegim-Wrefan from Trielta, is a particularly morose fellow and not terribly fun to travel with. On the last day before reaching the main roadway, they spot a distant black dragon, probably hunting from the Forest of Wyrms to the North. The party reach the trade way and elect to travel southwest to Soubar for