
Showing posts from November, 2020

Session 26 - Against a Shadowed Ziggurat

The party wisely chose to retire for a long rest before exploring the castle further, despite the possibility of marshaled fortification. They re-entered Serastis and managed to defeat an ambush laid for them before slipping into the secret tunnels they'd found. Ascending up into the reaches, they emerged on a balcony over a sinister ziggurat from which protruded a black monolith of strange origin. Investigating further they found some magical gates, and Vodja noticed some magic items placed in front of the monolith that seemed decidedly lootable. Unfortunately the shadows swirling the ziggurat finally coalesced into a hideous snake-clustered giant and attacked him, and the party was forced to take on what seemed like a deadly challenge, made worse by Wanda being polymorphed into a mouse. Though things seemed somewhat touch and go, Wanda's spell was broken and she finished the monstrosity off, winning the day.

Session 25 - Into Castle Serastis

The party had successfully defeated a vicious Guardian Naga in the Ashen Hills below the castle, and now prepared to infiltrate the keep properly. Mesmer, confronting no problem that could not be solved by clever application of illusionry, proposed to bring the party in as slaves being escorted by the recently defeated guardian. The yuan-ti at the entrance chamber were indeed easily duped, seemingly a bit of a decadent and drug-addled group. They waved the party towards the torture chambers and upon discovering that the torture chambers were in fact filled with torturing, they decided to start murdering yuan-ti, pushing past poisons and mind-affecting magic to clear out several rooms on this floor. A secret passage discovered in a dining chamber remained unexplored, and instead the party's interest was piqued by the discovery of a lizardman druid - some sort of elevated slave / preferred pet who seemed to have been brainwashed to "conquer" rival lizardman tribes through s