Session 16 - Juggling Gnomes

The party started the session separated, and the gnomish dungeon hiccups seem to have replaced Mesmer with Vodja, but fortunately the replacement gnome had enough extra rope that they were able to lift the Kyuss victims out of the 100 foot pit and regroup to try to figure out where to go next.

They decide it's worth chasing the escaped Kenku, and follow it into a gathering room with illusory clouds and winds blowing around. Wanda, Amonon and Deacon Fry tentatively begin exploring, only to discover the clouds gathering into some ethereal spirit that begins shrieking with a form of insanity. The Kenku reappears to take a pot shot and then flees further to a laboratory to the north.

The party manages to defeat the enemies, and explores further, defusing a magical trap, and the session ends as they discover the inner chamber of the Faceless One, who begins to monologue at them, promising their deaths.


  1. Great session! Always fun to roll a crit on a sneak attack. ;)


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