Session 15 - Into the Temple of Bhaal

The ornamental key the party combined proves pointless as the cult of Bhaal has opened their doors in a foreboding invitation, and the party cautiously approaches down the entrance, stopping when they notice the murder holes in the ceiling. Some sleuthing uncovers zombies ready to pour something caustic on trespassers, and Deacon Fry pops them with a powerful Turn Undead.

They find a magically dark passage leading to what appears to be a spider pit, and decide to press on into the Main Hall instead. Kenku appear on scaffolds and up higher and begin taking shots at the party, particularly wounding Dravej who had bravely pushed forward into the room. The party begins grinding through them despite the height, but Deacon Fry vanishes through the floor, falling into the pit below.

He finds himself trapped in the darkness not with giant spiders, but with a dreaded Spawn of Kyuss. Wanda feather falls into the chamber and despite several brushes with the insidious worms, they manage to burn the creature past the point of its regeneration.
