Session 12 - After a Short Rest

Dravej rejoins the party and is given a Flask of Magically Empowering liquor found in the Vecnan vault along with a Ring of Mind Shielding inhabited by the soul of a Death Priestess. Determined to do something about the sinister sacrificial altar in the middle of the rift, the party send BatGrundle (Mesmer's familiar) up ahead and see it being guarded by more veteran death cultists.

They attempt to use illusion magic to set up an ambush in the corridor but these cultists employ blindsighted Grimlocks that see right through the magical wall, nevertheless Wanda makes short work of them and a thunderwave cast by Deacon Fry shoves the cultists into the rift. The party begin attempts to destroy the altar but much of the rest of the Myrkulian cult marshall themselves to attack and a fierce but short fight breaks out again, the cultists devastated by a clustered Shatter spell cast by Deacon Fry.

They then discover the Sanctuary of Penance under the Bane temple where a dangerous-looking holy book of the dead - the Librum Mortis - is being flipped through by a disembodied hand. A cultist is imprisoned here and after freeing him they explore a stockade over the zombie pits and a fountain and supply room nearby. Finally, they retrace their steps and discover the sinister Chamber of the Dead Three, where statues of the three ex-Pantheoned Gods drip necrotic ichor.
