Session 9 - Defeat of the Baneites

After a short rest of gathering bodies, rifling through belongings, and patching wounds, the captured cultist regains consciousness, expressing a great deal of admiration for the party's skills at slaughtering his comrades. He's young and bloodthirsty in a fannishly eager sort of way and the party actually ends up taking a liking to him.

He explains some of the goings on in the combined temple, describing some of the lead figures: Painmaster Theldrick of Bane, Lasher Kull of the Underworld, and the strange Bhaalspawn known only as the Faceless One. He mentions some sort of Thunderlizard that piques the party's interest.

They then head north past the main church and discover a pair of Dire Boars snuffling in a pit connecting to the arena to the west, and beyond that the antechamber to Theldrick's personal quarters. The guards spot them and prepare a defense, and the heroes have no success drawing them out of the room, instead having to contend with Theldrick himself and his hideously spiked chain thurible. The fight is dangerous but ultimately triumphant, and the party finishes by exploring Theldrick's chambers, eventually discovering his hidden diary and a smattering of magical items, including a Bag of Holding.
