Session 13 - The Return of Vodja

The party is pleased to see that the sverfneblin has managed to find them as they stand outside the statuary chamber. Vodja expresses some curiosity about the Librum Mortis they found, but efforts to write in the book yield just fading letters without whatever ritual is required to record a death.

They then enter the chamber and begin planning on how best to destroy the statues only to find that the flickering shadows from the candled chamber create strange shadows that come alive and attack them, sapping their strength. Largely thanks to some Radiant spellwork from Deacon Fry, they destroy the undead shadows and set to work smashing the profane statuary, which brings the attention of Lasher Kull and her skeletal minotaur, bursting from a secret door.

The Myrkulian Priestess seems desperate to embrace her death, and the party obliges her. However the triumph is only brief as a spirit of a Banshee rises out of Kull's body and lets out an ear-splitting shriek, hurting everyone within earshot but not enough to kill.
